Image compression using opencv. ru/gnx5b/safemoon-will-make-you-rich.
Image compression using opencv. This function takes in the path to the image file as an argument and returns the image as a NumPy array. cvtColor() function. 32-bit float 3-channel (CV_32FC3) TIFF images will be saved using the LogLuv high dynamic range encoding (4 bytes per pixel) If the image format is not supported, the image will be converted to 8-bit unsigned (CV_8U) and saved that way. I'm working on a little project that is going well but as an optimisation exercise I would like to reduce the size of some of the JPEG's i'm outputting Jan 8, 2013 · Multiple images (vector of Mat) can be saved in TIFF format (see the code sample below). The project utilizes multithreading to achieve efficient compression performance. 0 Feb 22, 2016 · Figure 1: Writing to video file with Python and OpenCV. Note that HighGui is “meant as a simple tool for experimentation”, so it may not provide the functionality you are looking for. Apr 29, 2009 · Reasons for not decoding your TIFF image would be (1) the Mat passed in to imgdecode rows*cols was less than 1, (2) TIFF support was not compiled into your OpenCV library or (3) that the TIFF decoder did not recognize your image buffer as a valid TIFF image. It is recommended you use cv::Videowriter::fourcc for OpenCV 3. Aug 19, 2024 · This tutorial will teach image compression with OpenCV, covering theory and practical applications. In the processes of compression, the mathematical transforms play a vital role. OpenCV 3. For example, PNG and GIF formats are used Oct 20, 2021 · Thank you for your answer sincerely. Mar 6, 2013 · thanks for taking the time to read my post. jpg') # Resize the image resized_image = cv2. In this tutorial, we will use OpenCV’s built-in functions to compress a video file. Then set the pkg config path on your computer terminal as in this picture I made it in the . Image Denoising in OpenCV . So I use morphologic smoothing to remove the noise. Introduction. If so you will have to use some other library and give it each frame processed by opencv. imread('image. That said 5 megapixels is still a very high resolution and more then most applications should require. reduce(image, 1, cv2. x and beyond. First of all, let’s see what is computer vision because OpenCV is an Open source Computer Vision library. One of the widely used lossy compression algorithm is JPEG compression algorithm. txt python3 main. 3 days ago · Multiple images (vector of Mat) can be saved in TIFF format (see the code sample below). This is something you could use to check just how well a new video compressing algorithms works. Come, let’s learn about image resizing with OpenCV. The image is read using the OpenCV library in BGR color space, then converted to YCrCb. h: after this modification you can't save compressed TIFFs at all with OpenCV, and under non-windows systems you usually have separate libtiff (not as a part of OpenCV). Watershed. imencode(". Using outdated references leads to chain effect, when new users see old references, read old docs and post old links again. This change can be done by either multiplying or dividing the pixel values of the image, by any constant. When we use k-means for image compression, we are approximating each pixel’s color using the nearest centroid. split() is a costly operation (in terms of time). A]Commands for compiling the code in OpenCV: Oct 19, 2022 · Save an image when a keyboard is pressed; Save images at given intervals; See the following article for information on how to save a still image from a video file instead of a live stream from a camera. Note that CV_FOURCC is for OpenCV 2. How to Perform Video Compression with OpenCV: A Step-by-Step Guide. This method uses the DCT to simulate an image compression. 0. When dealing with images in OpenCV using Python, you might have a high-resolution image and you need to scale it down or up for various reasons such as reducing the computational cost or fitting a particular display size. resize (non-aspect ratio aware) How to resize images using imutils. CV_REDUCE_SUM, dtype=numpy. When applying Huffman encoding technique on an Image, the source symbols can be either pixel intensities of the Image, or the output of an intensity mapping function. The following steps are performed in the code below: Read the test image; Define the identity kernel, using a 3×3 NumPy array; Use the filter2D() function in OpenCV to perform the linear filtering operation Nov 30, 2023 · Installing OpenCV Package for Image Preprocessing. Specifically, you would call it like this: Apr 15, 2015 · Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand May 29, 2023 · In the field of Image processing, the compression of images is an important step before we start the processing of larger images or videos. Note, for images whose depth is CV_32F, only libtiff's SGILOG compression scheme is used. hdr, . Mar 31, 2013 · Just for test you can use uncompressed avi (aka full frames [not compressed]). Is there also a way to do this in memory? Or should I write a function using cv2. It takes about one hour for 5000 images. It transforms the image with the DCT, zeros out small coefficients which are less significant, and then performs the inverse DCT to retrieve a compressed version of the image, albeit with some loss of detail. Or better use c++ interface (eg cv::Mat instead of IplImage and cv::imread instead of cvLoadImage) and then use cv::resize which handles memory allocation and deallocation itself. It boasts compatibility with several programming languages, including Python. cv. Let’s find out the size of the file from the code. OpenCV provides four variations of this technique. Why this happened? I know that png compression is lossless so by doing imwrite with different compression rates, I should obtain identical images (e. Jun 15, 2020 · Before image visualization, we need to mention that the OpenCV cv2. It will produce huge files, but should work fine. Here’s an example: JPEG image compression algorithm has been partly implemented using opencv liraries. The Canny edge detection algorithm smooths the image to reduce noise, calculates the gradient to find edge strength and direction, applies non-maximum suppression to thin edges, and uses hysteresis for final edge tracking, resulting in a black and white image with edges in Feb 23, 2020 · Making computer vision easy with Monk. Compression. fastNlMeansDenoising() - works with a single grayscale images; cv. Creating the environment. Jun 20, 2017 · explanation: function takes input of any size and it creates a squared shape blank image of size image's height or width whichever is bigger. Firts the code: CanvasFrame canvasOrig = new CanvasFrame("Original"); canvasOrig. hope , this will help you May 12, 2020 · Most forms of image compression help solve these problems by reducing the size of the image and thus reducing the overall pixels and memory they take up. Step 1: Install OpenCV and Other Dependencies Aug 9, 2024 · How to resize images using OpenCV? To resize an image using OpenCV, you use the cv2. Compression of image by using OpenCV library and Huffman Coding Algorithm. But in the beginning, there was only the most basic type of image segmentation: thresholding. Otherwise go for Numpy indexing. Share Follow Reading and writing videos in OpenCV is very similar to reading and writing images. See 2. From OpenCV:. The first method is to simply leverage the fact that Python + OpenCV represents images as NumPy arrays. g. By the end, you’ll understand how to compress photos successfully for computer vision projects (or any other projects you might have). If I declare a vector p (similar to this discu Jan 8, 2022 · Fractal image compression is a lossy compression technique based on the iterative function system, which can be used to reduce the storage space and increase the speed of data transmission. Jun 25, 2010 · First of all, please use newer site - opencv. Today we are going to extend the SSIM approach so that we can visualize the differences between images using OpenCV and Python. resize() function to upscale, downscale, or resize to a desired size (considering or not considering the aspect ratio). Edge detection. This article gives an in-depth knowledge about how can an image contrast be changed using OpenCV. Save frames from video files as still images with OpenCV in Python; See the following article for basic information on how to handle video in . Aug 22, 2012 · According to the OpenCV documentation, cvSaveImage only supports 8bit single channel or BGR images. import cv2 # Load the image image = cv2. Jan 8, 2013 · C++ version only: intensity. Let’s discover how to perform simple image Learn how to reduce image file size by compressing and resizing the image using Pillow library in Python. The main disadvantage of fractal image compression is the high computational cost of the encoding step, compared with the popular image compression based on discrete cosine transform. imshow() is used to display an image in a window. Let’s start reading an image. The aim of this paper Sep 8, 2014 · Thresholding: Simple Image Segmentation using OpenCV. Parameters: src (CvArr) – Source array, real 1D or 2D array dst (CvArr) – Destination array of the same size and same type as the source flags (int) – Transformation flags, a combination of the following values CV_DXT_FORWARD do a forward 1D or 2D transform. imshow function requires an image in BGR format. 2. copyMakeBorder(). IMWRITE_PNG_COMPRESSION),9) This is the command along with the path(fn), the image(img) and the compression mode, 9. This can vary based off the level of compression applied. You should use libpng, libMagick++ or some other library to save in other bit depths and formats. In this post I will show how I did it and I hope it helps anyone with the same problem. 4. 5 ms for tif in OpenCV with 3. The compression of images is carried out by an encoder and output a compressed form of an image. Sometimes you want to get feedback from your computer vision algorithm. Your feedback was very informative, I have one question, now let suppose, I don’t want any kind of compression, is there an option for the videowriter or the codec that does not perform any compression just like with image for . Jun 11, 2012 · If you want to control the compression then the simplest method I can think of is first saving your image as a bitmap with cvSaveImage() (or another lossless format of your choice) and then use another image library to convert it to a JPEG of the desired compression factor. waitKey(0) # cv2. bmp). We’ll be using Python for our examples, but you can also use the OpenCV C++ API. cv. I’ll then show you: The basics of resizing an image with OpenCV and cv2. Jan 20, 2021 · OpenCV Resize Image ( cv2. Aug 12, 2024 · 4. For other supported depths, the compression scheme can be specified by this flag; LZW compression is the default. Dec 17, 2017 · You use the CV_FOURCC function, and specify four single characters - each corresponding to a single character in the FourCC code of the codec you want. Oct 25, 2019 · Image compression: Image compression works on the image size and its resolution. Making Borders for Images (Padding) If you want to create a border around an image, something like a photo frame, you can use cv. py sample-satellite-images. Since in OpenCV images are represented by the same structure as matrices, we use the same convention for both cases - the 0-based row index (or y-coordinate) goes first and the 0-based column index (or x-coordinate) follows it. 0 docs. OpenCV's convenient high-level APIs hide very powerful internals designed for computational efficiency that can take advantage of multicore and GPU processing. See libtiff for integer constants corresponding to compression formats. All we need to do is scale the pixel intensities to the range [0, 1. Nov 30, 2011 · If you use CV_REDUCE_SUM operator on uint8 image you have to explicitly provide dtype parameter of bigger range to avoid overflowing (e. The code allows users to choose between image or video compression and specify the compression level. In fact, I would go the other way and take the simplest possible format, which doesn't support compression - namely one of the NetPBM formats, e. Morphological processing : Morphological processing processes images based on shapes to gain more information about the useful parts of the image. Huffman encoding has not been implemented. Delete image window from the memory after displaying using destroyAllWindows() function. Hello! 😃 I recently needed to compress images for work, but most free image compressors have a file size requirement, so I decided to create my own using python and opencv. PGM for greyscale or PPM for colour - especially as OpenCV can read/write that without any library dependencies. But on some occasions, we need to work with (the same) images in different resolution. slice = cv2. /a. A BMP-encoded image was no smaller than a TIFF one. A video is nothing but a series of images that are often referred to as frames. using cv2. py -i image. Jan 3, 2023 · This article aims to learn how to load a blank coloured image using OpenCv. exr (see the Note section) Radiance HDR - . zshrc file // COMPRESS IMAGE PERFORMS IMAGE COMPRESSION USING FFMPEG WITH Nov 27, 2017 · Image encoding: most of well-known image formats such as png, tif, jpg takes time to encode image (e. 5 ms on 3. 13. Nov 24, 2021 · I also presented readily available tools you can use to build AI-based image compression applications: OpenCV — includes hundreds of machine learning models, including several modules that perform image compression. Jun 19, 2019 · I am trying to save a bulk of image files after cropping them with cv2. 0: Image file reading and writing; Reading and Writing Images and Video — OpenCV 2. destroyAllWindows() simply destroys all the Feb 28, 2024 · 💡 Problem Formulation: Resizing images is a common preprocessing step in many computer vision applications. cv2. TensorFlow — allows you to build and finely customize image processing and compression models. One way to … - Selection from OpenCV 3 Computer Vision with Python Cookbook [Book] Oct 20, 2023 · Image compression is a crucial aspect of modern data processing, especially in applications where storage space and bandwidth are limited. , 1. fastNlMeansDenoisingColored() - works with a color image. bmp format, I know for images there is an option, where I can specify values between [1-9] etc… 2 days ago · Warning. You can try to load your image using our example with this function. - rbga/Multi-Threaded-Real-Time-Image-and-Video-Compression-using-OpenCV This Python repository provides an implementation for JPEG image compression with both low and high compression modes. So use it only if necessary. Overall, the NumPy approach Jun 20, 2024 · Step 4: Use Edge Detection. So I have to use libjpeg to do it. This is useful in animating the background in certain games. Jan 8, 2024 · There are two types of compression. Nov 23, 2016 · In OpenCV it is possible to save an image to disk with a certain jpeg compression. Jan 3, 2023 · Steps to find the Fourier Transform of an image using OpenCV. png', nparr, [int(cv2. it then places the original image at the center of the blank image. x. Mar 14, 2021 · In lossless compression, all the information is preserved but the compression rate is low. DCT(src, dst, flags) → None Performs a forward or inverse Discrete Cosine transform of a 1D or 2D floating-point array. Jan 3, 2023 · Contrast means to change the value of each and every image pixel. imwrite in OpenCV and imObj. IMWRITE_TIFF_ROWSPERSTRIP This Python repository provides an implementation for JPEG image compression with both low and high compression modes. imread() function. Here we can see the output video being played in QuickTime, with the original image in the top-left corner, the Red channel visualization in the top-right, the Blue channel in the bottom-left, and finally the Green channel in the bottom-right corner. So, how does one specify a the compression quality for the video object without using the Windows Video Compression dialog box? Simple image compression example using python and opencv How to use python3 -m venv env source env/bin/activate pip install -r requirements. Image hashing or perceptual hashing is the process of: Examining the contents of an image Image Compression and Decompression done using OpenCV. imread() is used to read an image. – Dec 19, 2017 · There is no benefit to using TIFF here - it just complicates things and adds dependencies. Graph partitioning. Previously, due to the nature of Java project logic, byte[] data from Buffer was used. Jan 22, 2023 · Simple Image Compression Using OpenCV And Python. imsave() that loads the file and removes it again from disk? Jul 15, 2024 · Use of Specific Libraries: Tools like PIL (Pillow) and OpenCV provide advanced functions for adjusting image quality and size, enabling effective compression while maintaining visual quality. imread() method is used. However, for image processing and computer vision, the preference is to use compression but retain the original pixel values. imread('test. Using OpenCV, we can generate a blank image with any colour one wishes to. This function takes an image and resizes it to the specified dimensions. Jan 8, 2013 · Two ways for checking image similarity: PSNR and SSIM; The source code . Using the k-means algorithm to compress an image is a form of lossy compresion. - SridharPandian/Image-Compression-Huffman-Coding Apr 4, 2024 · brew install opencv. Finally, I use the last image as a mask to composite red over the whitened left image. Today most digital images and imaging devices use 8 bits per channel thus limiting the dynamic range of the device to two orders of magnitude (actually 256 levels), while human eye can adapt to lighting conditions varying by ten orders of magnitude. Step 1: Load the image using the cv2. It can be done easily with OpenCV's cv2. resize(image, (new_width, new_height)) function. Using that single image we will animate it in such a way it will appear continuous array of the same image. The exceptions might be scientific and medical applications. pyrDown() Theory. Both libraries use Java wrappers. Aug 3, 2023 · In this article, we will discuss how to animate an image using python's OpenCV module. (I'm using OpenCV C++). tofile('ExtensionlessFile') A Python program that compresses raw images based on the JPEG compression algorithm. The output of run level encoding of each macroblock has been commented out. First, let’s install OpenCV and other required libraries: Jan 4, 2013 · The simplest way is recompiling OpenCV or direct using libtiff, but I consider as not very good idea changing 3rdparty/libtiff/tiff. resize(image, (width, height)) What are the parameters for resizing Feb 27, 2024 · Method 3: Using DCT for Image Compression. So, let us dig deep into it and understand the concept with the complete explanation. Multiple images (vector of Mat) can be saved in TIFF format (see the code sample below). We can use cv2. So, all you need to do is loop over all the frames in a video sequence, and then process one frame at a time. 264, and VP9. However, high−quality images can consume a considerable amount of storage space and For TIFF, use to specify the image compression scheme. Thank you so much for the valuable feedback. We use image hashing for CBIR, near-duplicate detection, and reverse image search engines. For more information, check this link. This project showcases real-time image and video compression using OpenCV in C++. Step 1: Install OpenCV and Other Dependencies. jpg') I should now be in the same position as you, with an image in my variable im. As a test case where to show off these using OpenCV I've created a small program that reads in two video files and performs a similarity check between them. resize ) In the first part of this tutorial, we’ll configure our development environment and review our project directory structure. resize() and how to use this function to resize a given image. Each channel is normalized by subtracting 128. So, if I load an image like this: import cv2 # Load image im = cv2. Jan 30, 2024 · In a previous tutorial, we explored using the k-means clustering algorithm as an unsupervised machine learning technique that seeks to group similar data into distinct clusters to uncover patterns in the data. img_grayscale = cv2. File opening: Independent of file size, this may take time (e. Oct 15, 2022 · OpenEXR Image files - *. Normally, we used to work with an image of constant size. save(output_path, "JPEG", quality=quality) Nov 24, 2021 · OpenCV contains numerous modules for image compression functions, including image processing, object detection and machine learning modules. If we need higher compression, we must look at lossy compression algorithms. OpenCV 3 is a native cross-platform library for computer vision, machine learning, and image processing. int32) If you use CV_REDUCE_AVG operation, result can't overflow that's why setting dtype is optional. To find the corners of an image, use the cornerHarris function from OpenCV. Second, we use lossless compression to preserve data and information during compression. First, we use lossy compression to accept a reduced image quality while achieving a much smaller file size. jpg',0) # The function cv2. JPEG Algorithm works on DCT which is the topic of discussion in this project. There are many forms of image segmentation. To read the images cv2. Here's how you can compress an image using Pillow, OpenCV, and Imageio. , 5. You can use this library to obtain image data and extract, enhance and compress it. One of the common feature extraction techniques is edge detection using the Canny algorithm. I can now encode the image to a memory buffer, and write that memory buffer to disk without extension: success, buffer = cv2. imshow('graycsale image',img_grayscale) # waitKey() waits for a key press to close the window and 0 specifies indefinite loop cv2. resize() function. “Multi-resolution Image Processing and Compression” is published by Akula Hemanth Kumar in Towards AI. Oct 5, 2015 · There are two (easy) ways to apply gamma correction using OpenCV and Python. How do I do it in TIFF format. Jul 5, 2024 · Image compression reduces the file size without reducing the image’s quality too much. Hole Filling of Opencv Binary Image use floodFill In this OpenCV tutorial, we learn the syntax of cv2. Lossy compression is a class of data compression that uses approximations and partial data loss of a target image . OpenCV, a widely utilized pre-built open-source CPU-only library, plays a crucial role in computer vision, machine learning, and image processing applications. out image. If I use a low compression rate (e. val[0] contains a value from 0 to 255. Sep 28, 2014 · Of the JPEG compression pipeline, three of the compression steps can be configured by users of jpeglib or libjpeg-turbo: Chroma subsampling After the conversion from RGB to YCbCr, the chroma (color-carrying) channels: Chroma-blue and Chroma-red, are optionally stored in a lower resolution relative to the Luminance (Y) channel, also known as the Intensity or Grayscale channel, the latter is 2 days ago · For TIFF, use to specify the image compression scheme. Compressed images create large number of artifacts but result in very small file size. LZW, which is short for, Lempel-Ziv-Welch coding, is an image compression technique. , exactly the same pixel value in each pixel(i Jul 31, 2023 · Hello, I understand that TurboJPEG is used to compress and release images of OpenCV. Input : Original Image Output : -> Original Image -> Image with contrast i I was wondering if there is a way to easily specify the compression factor when compressing images on opencv without having to declare a dummy vector. This program takes as input a raw image (eg: . 5" WD Black) #LZW Compression. Jan 16, 2023 · Lossy Compression. setDefaultCloseOperation(javax. Mar 25, 2017 · Reducing the resolution of the image is the very definition of damaging the content. and then it resizes this square image into desired size so the shape of original image content gets preserved. Jul 20, 2023 · How to compress images using Python and PIL - In today's digital era, images have become a necessary part of our lives. This is optional, but it is generally easier to Oct 12, 2018 · I proceed some filtering on an Image then I want to save it through imwrite command with TIFF format but the size is big. The script employs various transformations and compression techniques to optimize the file size of JPEG images while preserving acceptable image quality. cpp pkg-config --libs opencv. IMWRITE_PNG_COMPRESSION),1]) has given the best size-speed trade-off so far Nov 27, 2017 · Figure 1: Image hashing (also called perceptual hashing) is the process of constructing a hash value based on the visual contents of an image. For instance, we have JPEG and WebP formats for lossy compression. open(input_path) as img: img. jpg -c 80 Aug 16, 2023 · Huffman coding is one of the basic compression methods, that have proven useful in image and video compression standards. Using Pillow. Jun 14, 2021 · In this article, I am gonna discuss various algorithms of image feature detection, description, and feature matching using OpenCV. Some common video compression formats include MPEG, H. This works but if we want to get a quality Jun 19, 2017 · Using this method, we were able to easily determine if two images were identical or had differences due to slight image manipulations, compression artifacts, or purposeful tampering. My ultimate goal is to compress an image to different degrees using JPEG algorithm. org. swing. It assign fixed length code words to variable length sequences of source symbols, rather than individual source symbols. See cv::ImwriteTiffCompressionFlags. PNG compression is tunable in python OpenCV, and setting. imencode('. A flow chart of the process of th How to Perform Video Compression with OpenCV: A Step-by-Step Guide. 0], apply the transform, and then scale back to the range [0, 255]. I have no idea how cv2. When resizing an image: Various interpolation techniques come into play to accomplish these operations. A]Commands for compiling the code in OpenCV: g++ pkg-config --cflags opencv programName. This will leave more noise in the image, but give better representations of the true regions. Clustering. For jpg images, if you keep a confidence of around 0. def compress_image_pillow(input_path, output_path, quality=85): with Image. Note the ordering of x and y. Introduction . pic (always supported) Raster and Vector geospatial data supported by GDAL (see the Note section) OpenCV: Image file reading and writing; See below for other versions. However, requiring the user to select the video compression and compression quality for each video defeats the script's automation. 7 ms for png and 11. from PIL import Image. imwrite(fn, img, [int(cv2. 95 it will return a match. Lossless image compression does not reduce the resolution of the image. This confidence parameter however, is a OpenCV feature. png I am tyring to do image compression in javacv /opencv. IMWRITE_PNG_COMPRESSION, 9, but this is extremely slow. Step 2: Convert the image to grayscale using the cv2. They play an important and significant role in communication and expression across a wide range of platforms, from social media to websites. save in PIL work to control the quality or compression ratio of the saved image relative to the original image. $ python compress_image. DCT, IDCT, DWT, IDWT, This assignment will helped us to gain an understanding of issues that relate to image compression, by comparing and contrasting the frequency space representations using the Discrete Cosine Transform and the Discrete Wavelet Transform. jpg",im) buffer. Region-growing. #Data Structures and Algorithms mini project on Huffman Coding. We won’t be using a different function or anything, but to use this parameter we need OpenCV installed. 6 GHz 4-core CPU) to the specific format even before saving the encoded format data to a disk. jpg //For giving image input from Image Compression Methods for Data Serialization. EXIT_ON_CLOSE); 6 days ago · We will learn about Image Pyramids; We will use Image pyramids to create a new fruit, "Orapple" We will see these functions: cv. Let's suppose we have one image. JFrame. The list goes on. To resize an image, scale it along each axis (height and width), considering the specified scale factors or just set the desired height and width. Code : C++ code for creating blank colored image // c++ code explaining how to // open a blank colored image // i Jan 8, 2013 · For color images, image is converted to CIELAB colorspace and then it separately denoise L and AB components. So far, we have seen how to apply the k-means clustering algorithm to a simple two-dimensional dataset containing distinct clusters and the problem […] # import the cv2 library import cv2 # The function cv2. Image Compression using Huffman Coding. Install the OpenCV package using: pip install opencv Saving images using lossy and lossless compression This recipe will teach you how to save images. For a detailed overview, check the below code for complete implementation to find corners using OpenCV. Some libraries use RGB image mode as default, in this case, we convert images to BGR for a correct visualization. The video file is too big if the maximum compression quality is used. BLUF: The OpenCV JPEG compression has a high default lossy value. May 24, 2021 · OpenCV is using some compression algorithm to compress as much as possible and it becomes easier to compress an image which has less details or less complex, less varied pixel combination. As in JPEG format can compress a image to lower size. resize (aspect ratio aware) Feb 4, 2021 · Hey @kbarni,. If I use the default mode 3 May 17, 2019 · Then copies the left image and does a difference operation with the right using a lower fuzz value of 10%. pyrUp(), cv. ,0), the output images will be all in the same size (while they have different sizes before processing by cv). For example, in a flappy bird game to make the bird appear mo Aug 24, 2018 · The compression level could apparently be better using other libraries but my aim was to minimize dependencies (see above). cjd dooot pbqho xbtnd faodp hdtqv flwrfzg est qbhox navpy